Motor Cycle

CANADA - Hells Angels pose no threat to public: police .

City police say an influx of outlaw motorcycle club members in the area over the weekend shouldn't alarm the general public.
A number of members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club from chapters across western Canada were seen at the Medicine Hat Speedway and a local nightspot over the weekend.
Sgt. Trevor Humphries said the Hells Angels were in the area for the All Bikes drag racing event at the Medicine Hat Dragstrip.
"(The event) attracts some of the Hells Angels with our local puppet club, the Draculs," he said.
"During this summer there has been a lot more of puppet clubs popping out in the province. We've seen the Draculs in Medicine Hat but there hasn't been too much activity from anyone else."
Humphries said members from the clubs stick to themselves and "are not causing a ruckus publicly.
"Their intentions — as we see it as a service — are still criminal, but in public you won't see them doing too much and the general public isn't to be concerned."
It's believed at least three chapters of the Hells Angels operate in Alberta.


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