Starts at Big City Bagels, 1010 University Av. San Diego , Ends with BBQ at North County House of Motorcycles 1725 Hacienda Drive , Vista CA .
If you go directly to North County House of Motorcycles, the food will start to be served at about Noon.
Below is updated info on Erin Laird (aka Polar Bear), who was hit while riding her motorcycle on July 2.
There is a BBQ on Saturday, August 13, at North County House of Motorcycles (NCHOM). Raffle tickets will be sold and prizes raffled off to help raise money for Erin. I'm assuming the lunch cost is "donations" but I am not positive. I am meeting a group of riders on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in Escondido. We will cruise through the Elfin Forest on our way to NCHOM. If at all possible, PLEASE JOIN ME OR GO TO THE BBQ!
Money can also be donated via Navy Federal Credit Union:
Account: 3019681364
Routing: 256074974
Please make payable to: Polar Bear c/o Chris Phillips
Blood donations are also a way to help. "EL03" is the code for blood donations made through the San Diego Blood Bank. I'm donating this Friday, since I'm eligible again.
Thanks for taking the time to read this message, and especially thank you for any help you can provide to Erin.
----- Original Message -----
From: Steven McRoberts
Good Evening,
I hope everyone remembers that tragic day on July 2nd when PGR Erin Laird was run over by an unlicensed and un-insured motorist that fell asleep at the wheel on I-15. We had a good turn out for the blood drive on July 9 and many more gave at different times. I want to believe that it helped Erin in the first 2.5 weeks that she could not breathe on her own.
Here is the link about what occurred on July 2. by no means is out of the woods yet. This is week six and she has been moved to the rehab floor at Palomar Hosp. to help build back her muscles so she can get in and out of bed. She is also attempting to put weight on her left leg and then start the process of learning to walk again. Her left arm and hand are still questionable as to the progress, she can move the arm some, unclear of how much use she will have of it. She has tremendous nerve pain in the arm and leg. BUT, she is alive and we are thankful .
This is what her best friend, Chris Phillips (Veteran) and fellow "Womenmoto" rider had to say recently, "It’s hard trying to care for her family and her .. then try to make money for her. But that’s what friends are for.. I still haven’t been able to get back on my bike.. not even sure I can.. really sucks because I love to ride."
Erin is going to need a lot of long term care even when she arrives back home. Her medical bills are going to be outstanding and with no medical insurance coverage, she needs all the help we can provide.
If you can donate anything like home cooked meals when she arrives home or any handicap things like shower seats, toilet seats, walkers or anything else after the fundraiser please contact Chris Phillips at:
cphillips@lce.comNorth County's House of Motorcycles is having a benefit for her this Saturday Aug 13. Please try to attend this worthy event and give what you can so Erin might ride with us again. Here is the link for the BBQ fund raiser. North County's House of Motorcycles
1725 Hacienda Drive, Vista, CA 92081
Please keep Erin and her family in your prayers.