Motor Cycle
Showing posts with label Small talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Small talk. Show all posts

Vintage style Motorcycle racing jerseys

As a result of my blogspot activities I came in contact with a enthusiastic Frenchman; Fred aka ketchWRMc (yes he is driving a Harley WR at local club races) who is running a small bussiness in providing the classic motorcyclists with vintage style racing jerseys. Those are jerseys where you can select your logo front and back to show the world what bike you ride and or what club you hang out with.
His bussines website is found at;
French only as is, but just looking at the pictures will tell the look and quality of their products, the De-Luxe jersey, made for motorcyclists.

OK, the need of jerseys have been there for quite a while among some of my friends as well as myself and I made Fred a order that in a short time got me a huge parcel on my frontdoor steps.

Anyone local innterrested, let me know by mail and I can assist in getting hold of Fred.
Prices? You want this jersey anyway!

Indian Jersey for our friend Villy who will have to wear this whenever he ride his Chief

Super X for me, need to speed up that restoration.

Our friend Rune drives, ehh have a guess.

Modern Motorcycle Maintanance

"Motorcyclists, propoably more than owners of other types of roadgoing vehicles seek knowledge about what, very litterally, makes their wheels go round.
They are in general insistant upon having their machines, their motorcycles, sport or touring in top-notch condition, wheter this is for the purpose of competing in sports or for the sake of ordinary road use."

Quote from Bernard Osborne editor of Modern Motorcycle Maintanance publ. 1949

How come our motorcyclist ancestors where so keen on getting to know all technical issues involved in the construction, operation and maintanace of their motorcycles?
They had since the very early years after the birth of the motorcycle accsess to books impressively thick filled with technically thoroughness on the matter.

Is this the case today?

Does the average Joe motorcyclist care on any of the above matters?

Victor W. Page wrote a 500 page book filled with technical know how for the motorcyclist in 1913, fully illustrated with hand drawn sketches.

Bernard Osborne use the first 29 pages of his book to explain the essentials in how to use and care for files and other tools essential for the motorcyclist (like a sharp chisel!!). Does your files lay all stacked in a shelf rather than beeing hung up individually? If you followed Bernards instructions you would know what to do and not.

Needless to say, I love those old books cramped full of information relevant still.

My favorite, Peder Lobben`s pocket handbook for the Mechanic vol. 1 & 2 counts 991 + 1196 pages. HOW big pockets did the mechanics have back in the late 1890`s when this giant was first published???

Search for those old books and read them, you will never regret.

.Article in the last issue of HDOCN mag.

Lets just hope the Rakkestad folks have a god sense of humor!! (they would be able to read the text with big pics on their computer screen ( push F11 )).

Made an article on them and their racing event at Kala Raceway this summer, four pages and 8 pics (by Øyunn) in the last issue of the as ever great HDOCN magazine, cool and thanks to Elin beeing in charge of the editorials.

Lets hope this bring some more old US made Iron for the 2011 race.

Hit by autumn

Well, then there is this long winter with manic work in the workshops to get ready for summer. Summer is way to short, its allready become autumn with leaves beeing colored in yellow and red.
Realised yesterday I hadnt used my 45" bobjob in several weeks. Time to act, fired up the engine and went up the valleys, crisp air close to cold, just a couple of degrees in the positive direction.
Went by a friend who just have got his ol AMF shuvel back to life, didnt take long to convince him getting of for a test ride.
Later the same evening the temperature came below zero degree C, better get prepeared for another winter.


Oh yes one would easily think. Hitting the road with a engine displacement of 10,4 litre is something.
But wait, this is a 1 cylinder 30Hp petrol engine pushing you to the amazing speed of 21,6 kmh at 6`th gear.
Ever heard of Lanz ELI Buldogg roadgoing tractor?
They are rare as hens theets, I once had one but now I`ve only got its spare spark plug left, its BIG.

Right Harley spark plug, left is BOSCH`s giant sparkplug for 10,4 litre Lantz engine.

Ekeberg Swap meet

Puuuh!, done with Ekeberg swap meet for this year. Two days filled with action, selling, buying, walking, talking, making new friends and meeting old friends.
Some where there and some where not.
Got rid of all my US made cicle parts, surprise?, and some other junk too.

Great fun as always.


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